Helpful suggestions

I met with Laurie Burruss, the teacher who first exposed me to NearPod, and I got some VERY helpful suggestions.

Frankly, I’d gotten somewhat off track. I was trying to grasp this new technology, and my first NPP had too many things going on. I was trying to introduce my course, play with the all the ‘toys’ (the NearPod interactive features), and access the effectiveness of this app. Laurie suggested I focus on one element, include five multi-sensory learning features, and then wrap it up with student reflection that would help to make the experience relevant to each student.

One principle for using NearPod effectively is to ask open ended questions. So I deleted the Yes/No questions, and asked for fill in the blank responses. This was my first attempt at using NearPod in class, and I felt I had something that was focused on one goal.


And here’s a link which clarifies NearPod, How it Works.

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